3 Reasons why I use Metrox 3D Scanner to create detailed 3D models for 3D printing
See why I use the Metrox 3D Scanner for creating 3D printing project models.

As a 3D printing enthusiast, I'm always exploring essential tools to enhance my projects, and one of the most valuable is a 3D scanner. My first scanner, the Revopoint MetroX, has been a great addition to my arsenal, and after using it for a while, I've gained a solid understanding of its capabilities. A 3D scanner helps capture real-life objects and turn them into digital objects. It significantly reduces the time required to recreate existing objects compared to manual modeling. When using 3D modeling programs, one has to define the shape, sculpt intricate details, and apply textures and materials to achieve the desired results. This is always time-consuming, but with 3D scanning, one can capture the object as it is in minutes, and it is faster and more accurate, too. After learning about this, I decided to get MetroX to prepare my files for 3D printing, and below are the main reasons why I keep using it.