Android-to-iPhone RCS messages will be end-to-end encrypted
The GSM Association (GSMA, no relation to us) has published new RCS specifications that allow end-to-end encryption across platforms. RCS messages on Android have been end-to-end encrypted for years, but now the same level of security can apply to messages sent from Android to iOS or vice-versa, since Apple has finally joined the RCS party last year. In fact, Apple has already sent out the following statement on the matter: End-to-end encryption is a powerful privacy and security technology that iMessage has supported since the beginning, and now we are pleased to have helped lead a...

The GSM Association (GSMA, no relation to us) has published new RCS specifications that allow end-to-end encryption across platforms. RCS messages on Android have been end-to-end encrypted for years, but now the same level of security can apply to messages sent from Android to iOS or vice-versa, since Apple has finally joined the RCS party last year. In fact, Apple has already sent out the following statement on the matter: End-to-end encryption is a powerful privacy and security technology that iMessage has supported since the beginning, and now we are pleased to have helped lead a...