Man With Ostentatious Gold Cybertruck Complains That He's Constantly Harassed While Driving
All That Glitters A man in Massachusetts claims he and his family are being harassed because he drives a Cybertruck, CBS News' WBZ-TV reports — a gold Cybertruck, so glimmering and shiny you can see a clear reflection of the streets it graces with its ponderous presence. "Since getting our Cybertruck, we've faced constant hostility, " the owner, Kumait Jaroje said in a tweet last week. "Someone even put a Nazi sticker on our truck." It's as if the controversial Tesla vehicle — increasingly a symbol of everything wrong with the automaker's CEO Elon Musk — wasn't already enough of […]

All That Glitters
A man in Massachusetts claims he and his family are being harassed because he drives a Cybertruck, CBS News' WBZ-TV reports. Or, more specifically, a gold Cybertruck, so glimmering and shiny you can see a clear reflection of the streets it graces with its ponderous presence.
"Since getting our Cybertruck, we've faced constant hostility, " the owner, Kumait Jaroje, said in a tweet last week. "Someone even put a Nazi sticker on our truck."
You'd be forgiven if you thought the controversial Tesla vehicle — increasingly a symbol of everything wrong with the automaker's CEO Elon Musk — wasn't already enough of an attention-getter. With this paint job, it'll practically blind you with its sheer gaudiness. And politics aside, sharing the road with such a golden beacon of excess probably won't sit well with the many short-tempered drivers out there.
Jaroje, who bought the truck to advertise his medical spa, added that he received threats after posting about the sticker online. So far, his tweet about the incident has received little attention, but a few mocking replies.
Such is the plight of the Cybertruck owner. None can escape public ridicule, which can sometimes turn fairly nasty. Jaroje told WBZ that he was "anxious and nervous about our safety and my kids' safety," adding that his wife was "horrified" and "crying" after the discovery of the Nazi sticker.
But that "Nazi sticker," which was blurred out and apparently "too derogatory to show on TV," in a WBZ reporter's words? It said, "Nazis fuck off," as seen in a picture Jaroje uploaded — a fairly uncontroversial statement for people who haven't completely lost their minds.
While slapping the sticker on some random joe's car isn't the most productive form of protest, the intent behind it seems pretty clear. Elon Musk performed two Nazi salutes last month, made light of the Holocaust, and told the German far right party at a rally to "move beyond" its Nazi guilt. One might say calling the sticker a "Nazi" sticker, and not an anti-Nazi one, is a little disingenuous.
Speaking of, Jaroje claimed that the harassment ramped up after Musk endorsed Trump for the presidency.
"Now, they're not just waving at me, they're not just giving me the middle finger," Jaroje told WBZ. "Somebody tried to cut me off while I'm driving with my kids and three guys came out of the car and just pointed the middle finger and started screaming at me."
Road rage like that tracks. Tesla locations and Tesla vehicles have been hit with a wave of vandalism and protests amidst Musk's meddling in the federal government. Cybertrucks all over have been defaced with spray paint. One Tesla lot had all 34 of its polarizing pickups tagged with "Fuck Elon" messages.
All told, there have definitely been better times to be the owner of an exorbitantly priced and infinitely stupid pickup truck.
More on Tesla: Terrifying Footage Shows Cybertruck on Self-Driving Mode Swerve Into Oncoming Traffic
The post Man With Ostentatious Gold Cybertruck Complains That He's Constantly Harassed While Driving appeared first on Futurism.