This $80 Game Boy clone is my perfect everyday carry handheld console for retro gaming goodness
The pocketable retro gaming device that won't break the bank.

If you’re like me, you can’t handle being out in public without something to occupy your mind. Ever since I was a kid, that’s been games. It started with handhelds like the Game Boy and PSP, then mobile games and emulators once they matured on Android, but as soon as I got my hands on a cheap gaming handheld, all the pieces fell into place.
But when it comes to taking one with me outside of the house, most are too big or too expensive. I’m already carrying a phone that costs nearly a month’s rent, so I don’t need the extra stress of breaking another pricey gadget. But there’s one handheld with the right mix of size, features, and price to earn a spot in my bag every time I leave the house. That handheld is the TrimUI Brick.