How to import photos using the Image Capture app on Mac
Image Capture is Apple's image acquisition app for grabbing pictures from your camera or scanner. Here's how to use it in a variety of settings.Apple's macOS Image Capture app.While Apple's iPhone, iPad, and the Photos apps in iOS and macOS are the standard for image acquisition and processing today, there's another way to get images into your Mac: Apple's Image Capture app.Image Capture has been around in macOS for decades and it's fairly easy to use. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

Apple's macOS Image Capture app.
While Apple's iPhone, iPad, and the Photos apps in iOS and macOS are the standard for image acquisition and processing today, there's another way to get images into your Mac: Apple's Image Capture app.
Image Capture has been around in macOS for decades and it's fairly easy to use.
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