
This all-in-one Raspberry Pi arcade console is a retro ...

It even has lightgun support.

Someone built precise lab equipment using a Raspberry P...

There probably isn't a Lego kit for it, though.

Notepad++ and Don Ho: A story of software, activism, an...

Notepad++ has an interesting history.

5 tips to prepare for your inevitable NAS drive failure

Your HDD or SSD will fail, but how can you prepare your NAS for this event?

6 ways PLA filament is fine for 3D printing beginners b...

3D printing newbies should start with PLA, but be prepared to switch as you grow...

5 video game genres that slipped away while we were bus...

Despite the gaming industry is still going strong, these genres have faded from ...

Why building a NAS using an old PC case can prove useful

Turning an old PC case into a NAS can prove invaluable.

How Sony’s broken promise transformed the PS3 from “unh...

Sony poked the bear and, by doing so, painted a huge target on the back of the PS3

Why are games getting so expensive to make?

A short investigation regarding why video games are getting so expensive, and wh...

6 free ways to automate your Mac and make it smarter

Mac automation hacks you need to know

Five reasons I self-host my recipe tracker

Privacy, control, and culinary convenience shouldn’t require compromises

TeraCopy copies your files securely and and at faster s...

There's no reason to use the default Windows copier anymore

From busted circuits to custom builds: Embracing the so...

Turn broken electronics into hands-on lessons. Master soldering while embracing ...

How I use software RAID on Windows to speed up drive ac...

Storage Spaces on Windows enables a simpler version of software RAID

The 10 hardest video game bosses that had us breaking TVs

These games have some of the toughest boss fights ever.

Steam games on sale the week Feb.23-Mar.1

These are some of the highlight sales from the week Feb.23-Mar.1 on Steam.

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